Yariv, Amnon

Quantum Electronics Amnon Yariv - 2 nd ed - New York John WIley - 570:p

Basic Theorems and Postulates of Quantum Mechanics (page-1), Some Solutions of the Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation (Page-19), Matrix Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (Page-35), Lattice Vibrations and Their Quantization (Page-63), Electromagnetic Fields and Their Quantization (Page-79), The Propagation of Optical Beams in Homogeneous and Lenslike Media (Page-99), Optical Resonators (Page-130), Interaction of Radiation and Atomic Systems (Page-149), Laser Oscillation (Page-175), Some Specific Laser Systems Semiconductor Lasers (Page-195), Q Switching And Mode Looking of Lasers (Page-248), Quantum Well Lasers (Page-248), Amplification of Signals and Spontaneous Emission Laser Media (Page-282), The Modulation of Optical Radiation (Page-327), Coherent Interactions of a Radiation Field and an Atomic System (Page-371), Introduction to Nonlinear Optics--Second-Harmonic Generation (Page-407), Parametric Amplification, Oscillation, and Fluorescence (Page-437), Stimulated Raman And Brillion Scattering (Page-470), Propagation Modulation and Oscillation in Optical Waveguides (Page-508).

Quantum Electronics

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