Shafer, Boyd C.

Faces of nationalism; new realities and old myths / Boyd C. Shafer. - New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1974, c1972] - xv, 535 p. 21 cm.

Problems of Meaning (Page-3), How National Sentiment Developed Stirrings 1715 (Page-23), The Nation Becoming People 1715-1789 (Page-56), The Nation Makes Patriots (Page-83), Nationalism Spreads and Deepens 1790-1815 (Page-112), Political Bases of Modern Nationalism 1815-1921 (Page-138), The Nation Nationalism Economic , Social and Cultrual Pressures 1815-1921 (Page-183),Nationalism in the West after World War I Persistence and Doubt(Page-229), Developing Nationalism Among Developing People General Nature and Variations (Page-273), How the Developing Nationalism Developed (Page-273), Some Myths Metaphysical and Physical about Nation and Nationalism (Page-313), Come Cultural Myths Economic Political Linguistic and Historical (Page-328), Nationalism Past Present and Prospects (Page-343), Notes (Page-379).



