
Infantry in battle / - Washington United state 1934 - 386,p.;

Obscurity (Page-1), Simplicity (Page-16), Rules (Page-34), Surprise (Page-48), Mobility (Page-61), Terrain (Page-73), Miracles (Page-83), Decisions (Page-93), Optimism and tenacity (Page-108), Orders (Page-122), Counter orders (Page-137), Supervision (Page-146), Control (Page-156), Command and Communication (Page-170), Action and Morale (Page-184), Nearing the Enemy (Page-193), The Advanced to the Attack (Page-207), Battle Reconnaissance (Page-218), Time and Space (Page-237), Direction (Page-250), The Plan (Page-266), Scheme of maneuver and Main Effort (Page-278), Fire (Page-290), Fire of Machine Guns (Page-306), Infiltration (Page-317), Infantry- Artillery Team (Page-335), Night Attacks (Page-359).

Infantry in battle
