Qureshi, Ishtiaq Hussain

The Muslim Community of the Indo -Pakistan SubContinent/ Dr Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi - Karachi Army Education press 1977 - 385:p

Islams Enters The Subcontinent (Page-1), Islam Gainsa Foothold in The North West (Page-28), Islam Spreads Into other Areas (Page-60), Towards Integration Into Single Community (Page-88), A Perilous Triumph (Page-113), The Challenge of Heterodoxy (Page-138), The Revival of Orthodoxy (Page-166), The Decline Of Political Power (Page-183), A Diagnosis of The Disease (Page-197), Reformers and Warriors (Page-218), The Lowest Depth of Broken Pride (Page-240), New Orientations (Page-266), An Adventure in Altruism (Page-291), The Rise of Muslim Nationalism (Page-319).


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