Malik, Brig Dr. Allah Bakhsh

Trends in educational thought / Brig. Dr Allah Bakhsh Malik - Lahore Army press 1991 - 153,p:

Introduction (Page-1), The Role of Education in the Light of Socio- Economic Changes in Pakistan (Page-3), The Role of Education in the Army (Page-12), Education and Values (Page-18), The Problem of Education and Social Order (Page-29), Theoretical Issues in Social Reconstruction (Page-41), The Concept of Liberalism and University Education in Pakistan (Page-68), Micro-Teaching Its Potential and Promise (Page-75), Human Resource Development as a Management Function (Page-127), The Dynamics of National Will to Fight (Page-132), A Study of Inter Relationship Between Formal Cognitive Operations Self Perception and Environmental Perception (Page-141).

Trends in educational thought
