Trollope, Anthony,

Barchester Towers / Anthony Trollope. - New York : Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 1992. - 477 p. ; 21 cm. - Everyman's library ; 57 .

How Will Be The New Bishop? (Page-7),Hirams Hospital According (Page-15), Dr And Mrs Proudie(Page-21), The Bishops Chaplain (Page-27), The Morning Visit (Page-33),War (Page-41),The Dean And Chapter Take Counsel (Page-52), The Ex-Warden Rejoices In His Probable(Page-57), The Stanhope Family(Page-64),Mr. Slope Manages Matters Very Cleverly (Page-204),Fourteen Arguments In Favors (Page-214), Mrs. Proudie Wrestles And Gets A Fall(Page-222),A Live Scene (Page-231),Mrs. Bold In Entertained (Page-245), A Serious Interview (Page-258),Another Love Scene (Page-266), Mrs. Bold At Home(Page-404),The Stanhope At Home (Page-412), Mr. Slope Parting Interview(Page-422),The Dean Elect (Page-430), Mr. Slope Bids Farewell On The Palace (Page-460), The New Dean Takes Passions(Page-466),Conclusion (Page-474).

0679405879 :


Barsetshire (England : Imaginary place)--Fiction.

Domestic fiction.
