Imperial Military Georgaphy /
- Eight Edition
- London Sifton Praed 1935
- 408 p
The Problems of Imperial Defense (Page-1), The Political Organization of the Empire (Page-5), The Defense force of the Empire (Page-24), Population and War (Page-41), A general Survey of Materials Resources (Page-480), Great Brittan and the Home Waters (Page-75), Sea Routes and Naval Bases (Page-87), The Mediterranean and Indian Ocean (Page-96), The Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea (Page-121), The Pacific Ocean and its Problems (Page-138), The Air routes of the British Empire (Page-170), Cables and Wireless (Page-180), Canada and Newfoundland (Page-189), Australia and New Zeeland (Page-208), The Union of South Africa (Page-234), British Possessions in east and West Africa (Page-249), Egypt and the Anglo Egyptian Sudan (Page-280), Palestine Iraq Arabia and The Persian Gulf (Page-305), India (Page-335), The Treaty Obligations of great Britain (Page-379).