Konigsmark /
A .E .W Mason
- London Hodder
- 412:p
Tells of A Rehearsal (Page-7), Philips The Page (Page-22), Bernstorff’s First Taste of Power (Page-34), A Night of Terror (Page-46), A Messenger to Hanover (Page-68) Takes Place in England (Page-87) The End of A Friendship (Page-113) A Cause Célèbre (Page- 119), Sophia Dorothea A Marries (Page-166), Craston Meets a Redoubtable Lady (Page-201), Two Old Friend Meet Again (Page-225), A Chilles and Iphigenia Meet Again (Page-239), A Conspiracy is Planned (Page-248), And How it A Plot Foiled (Page-326), The Night of July ist (Page-376), The Night of July ist .The Hall of the Knights (Page-386), Clara Sees it Through (Page-397), George Augustus Prince of Wales Makes A pilgrimage (Page-405).