Trollope , Anthony

Barchester Towers / Anthony Trollope - London The Bodley Head - 735:p

Who Will be the new Bishop (Page-1), Hiram’s Hospital (Page-13), Dr. and Mrs. Proudie (Page-23), A Morning Visit (Page-42), War (Page-54), The Ex-Warden Rejoices in his Probable return to the Hospital (Page-80), Mrs.Proudie Reception (Page-108), The Rubbish Cart (Page-152), The Widow Suitors (Page-174), Baby Worship (Page-189), The Widow Persecution (Page-217), Barchester by Moonlight (Page-228), Mr. Arabin (Page-243), The Thorne’s of Ullathorne (Page-277), Mr. Slop manages Matters Very Cleverly at Pudding dale (Page-309), A Love Scene (Page-352), A Serious Interview (Page-394), Mrs. Proudie Victrix (Page-454), The Signora Neroni the Countess de courcy and (Page-497), The Bishop Sits Down to Breakfast (Page-530), Mrs. Bold Confides Her Sorrow to her friend Miss Stanhope (Page-573), The Dean Elect (Page-663), The New Dean Takes Possession of the Deanery and the new Warden of the Hospital (Page-720), Conclusion (Page-731).

