Lend me your ears : great speeches in history / selected and introduced by William Safire. - Rev. and expanded ed. - New York : W.W. Norton, c1997. - 1055 p. ; 25 cm.

Memorials and Patriotic Speeches (Page-29), War ad Revolution Speeches (Page-79), Tributes and Eulogies (Page-159), Debates and Argumentation (Page-239), Trials (Page-317), Gallows and Farewell Speeches (Page-367), Sermons (Page-425), Inspirational Speeches (Page-509), Lectures and Instructive Speeches (Page-545), Speeches of Social Responsibility (Page-597), Media Speeches (Page-705), Political Speeches (Page-779), Commencement Speeches (Page-987).



Speeches, addresses, etc.
