European history 1643-1848 /
George W. Southgate
- London J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd 1953
- xxii, 442 p illus.,) plates, ports., illustrated with 36 maps 20 cm.
Introduction: The Religious Wails And The Peace Of Westphalia (Page-xvii),Mazarin (Page-1), Louis Xiv (Page-8), The Foreign Policy Of Louis Xiv-To The Peace Of Ryswick (Page-23),The Foreign Policy Of Louis Xiv-The Spanish Succession (Page-37),The United Provinces (Page-58),Brandenburg-Prussia, 1640-1740 (Page-66),The Earlll!R Part Op Louis Xv's Reign (Page-76),Philip V And Elizabetii Farnese (Page-85),The Austrian Succession (Page-95),The Diplomatic Revolution And Thi! Seven Y Ea!Ls' W Aii. (Page-107),Benevolent Despotism (Page-119),The Church And The Jesuits In The Eighteenth Ce."Itury (Page-128),Poland (Page-134), Sweden (Page-141),The Ancien Regime In France (Page-150),The French Revolution (Page-169),The French Revolutionary War (Page-179),Napoleon's Rule In France (Page-192),The Napoleonic W Ails-;-To The Treaty of Tilsit (Page-199),The Decline Op Napoleo!L's Po\Ver (Page-207),Prussia, 1740-I815 (Page-224),The Congress Of Vie.'Ina (Page-238),The Break-Up Of The C Oncert Of Europf (Page-245),Metternich And The German Confederation (Page-250),Tm Restored Monarchy In France (Page-256), Belgian Lndependl!.~Ce (Page-266),Italy In Nm First Hal1' Op Thl! Nineteenth Century (Page-270),Rossia (Page-278),Tm: Turks (Page-289),Thi! Year Op Revolutions (Page-306),Genealogical Tables (Page413).