Milimeter Waves : Microwave Research Institute Symposia / - Volume IX - New York Politechnic Press 1960 - 656:p

Millimeter and Sub millimeter waves in Physics (Page-1), Millimeter Waves in Communication (Page-25), Interaction Between an Electron Stream and Plasma (Page-57), Millimeter Instrumentation for Solid State Research (Page-73), Microwave Hall Effect in Germanium and silicon (Page-87), Highly Anisotropic Materials for Millimeter Wave Applications (Page-95), A New Method for Dielectric Measurements at Millimeter Wavelengths (Page-109), Pendulum Method for Power Measurement in the Millimeter Wave Region (Page-123), Use of Multiple Polarizations for Electron Density Profile Measurements in High Temperature plasmas (Page-141), The Generation of Sub millimeter Waves and fast Wave Amplification (Page-155), Strong Focusing of Electron Beams with Undulator Lenses (Page-165), Radiation in the Millimeter Waveband (Page-169), Generation of Microwaves (Page-181)The Dielectric tube Resonator (Page-191), A Millimeter Wave Multiplier Using the Purcell Radiator (Page-223), A Proposed Millimeter Wave Generator (Page-233), Reflex Klystrons for Millimeter Waves (Page-249), Cyclotron Resonance and the Generation of Millmeter Waves (Page-261), Electron Beam Interaction with Fast Waves (Page-301), Millimeter Wave O-Carcinotron (Page-313), On the Theory of Traveling Wave Tubes Using Paralleled Electron Streams (Page-341), Action of a Progressive Disturbance on a Guided Electromagnetic Wave (Page-403), A Millimeter Wave Pulsed Magnetron (Page-429), Helix Type Traveling Wave Amplifier for (Page-461), Transfer Characteristics of 2N Port Networks (Page-477), Round Waveguide with Lossy Lining (Page-513), Line Sources and Linear Arrays for Millimeter Wavelengths (Page-563), Mode Conversion in the Excitation of TE Waves in a TE Mode Transducer (Page-595), Round Table Discussion (Page-649).

