Coughlin, Robert F.

Operational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits / Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll. - 6th ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2001. - xxvii, 557p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Introduction to Op Amps (Page-31), First Experiences with an Op Amp (Page-43), Inverting and No inverting Amplifiers (Page-74), Comparators and Controls (Page-114), Selected Applications of Op Amps (Page-148), Signal Generators (Page-181), Op Amps with Diodes (Page-217), Differential, Instrumentation, and Bridge Amplifiers (Page-246), DC Performance: Bias, Offsets, and Drift (Page-282), AC Performance: Bandwidth, Slew Rate, Noise (Page-304), Active Filters (Page-325), Modulating, Demodulating, and Frequency Changing with the Multiplier (Page-360), Integrated-Circuit Timers(Page-392), Digital-to-Analog (Page-430), Analog-to-Digital Converters (Page-460), Power Supplies(Page-483),



Operational amplifiers.
Telecommunication engineering
