TY - GEN AU - Kumar, Narinder TI - Physics finish faster SN - 8179681290 U1 - 530, KUM PY - 2008/// CY - New Delhi PB - Golden Bells KW - Physics N1 - Units Measurements and Dimensions (Page-1-13), Significant Figures and Error Analysis (Page-14-19), Motion in one Dimension (Page-20-43), Vectors (Page-44-61), Motion in two and Three Dimension (Page,-62-76), Law of Motions (Page-77-100), Worked Energy and Power (Page-101-119), Rotational Motion (Page-120-147), Gravitation (Page-148-175), Solids (Page-176-188), Fluids (Page-189-190), Surface Tension (Page-200-209), Fluids in Motion (Page-210-220), Kinetic Theory of Gases (Page-221-229), Heat and Thermodynamics (Page-230-259), Oscillations and Waves (Page-260-284), Electronic Fields Potential and Capacitors (Page-285-305), Current Electric Thermal and Chemical Effect of Current (Page-306-333), Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism (Page-334-372), Electromagnetic Induction and Alternation Current (Page-373-400), Optics (Page-401-468), Electrons and Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation (Page-469-490), Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Page-491-516), Solids and Semiconductor Devices Electromagnetic Waves and Principles of Communication (Page-517-541), Universe (Page-542-547) ER -