Fausett, Laurene V.

Applied numerical analysis using MATLAB / Laurene V. Fausett. - 2nd ed. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2008. - xiii, 673 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Foundation (Page-1), Function of One Variables (Page-49),Solving Linear Systems Direct Methods (Page-99), LU and QR Factorization (Page-141),Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Page-187),Solving Linear Systems Iterative Methods (Page-223),Nonlinear Function of Several Variables (Page-263), Interpolation (Page-287), Approximation (Page-347), Fourier Methods (Page-389), Numerical Differentiation and Integration (Page-423), Ordinary Differential Equations Fundamentals (Page-465), ODE Systems Stiffness Stability (Page-519), ODE Boundary Value Problems (Page-583), Partial Differentials Equations (Page-617).

0132397285 9780132397285


Numerical analysis--Data processing.
