Gleason M, Andrew

Elementary course in probability for the cryptanalyst / Andrew M. Gleason - USA Aegean Park Press 1985 - S-35p

Basic Difinition: Fundamental operations. Chapter 2: Permutation and Combinations. Chapter 3: Combination with Repitation: Pascal's Triangle, Chapter 4: The Binominal Theorulli's; Bernoulli's Theorem, Chapter 5: Binomial Theorem; Generalizes Theorem; Multinokial Theorem, Chapter 6: Event Spaces: Boolean Algevra; Addion of Probabilities, Chapter 7: Gambler's Ruin, Chapter 8: Mean; Standard Deviation, Chapter 9: Philosophy, Chapter 10: The Norma Distributin, Chapter 11: Poisson Distribution, Chapter 12:Tests of Statistical Hypotheses, Chapter 13: Logarithmic Weighting; Chi-square Test.


