Advances in cryptology : EUROCRYPT 2004 : International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2-6, 2004 : proceedings / EUROCRYPT 2004 International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Christian Cachin, Jan Camenisch (eds.). - Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2004. - xii, 628 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Lecture notes in computer science, 3027 .

Efficient private matching and set intersection (Page-1), Positive results and techniques for obfuscation (Page-20), Secure computation of the k[superscript th]-ranked element (Page-40), Short signatures without random oracles (Page-56), Sequential aggregate signatures from trapdoor permutations (Page-74), On the key-uncertainty of quantum ciphers and the computational security of one-way quantum transmission (Page-91), The exact price for unconditionally secure asymmetric cryptography (Page-109), On genera ting the initial key in the bounded-storage model (Page-126), Practical large-scale distributed key generation(Page-138), Optimal communication complexity of generic multicast key distribution (Page-153), An uninstantiable random-oracle-model scheme for a hybrid-encryption problem (Page-171), Black-box composition does not imply adaptive security (Page-189), Chosen-ciphertext security from identity-based encryption (Page-207), Efficient selective-ID secure identity-based encryption without random oracles (Page-323), Construction of secure random curves of Genus 2 over prime fields (Page-239), Projective coordinates leak (Page-257), Security proofs for identity-based (Page-268) identification and signature schemes Concurrent signatures (Page-287).

3540219358 9783540219354


Computers--Access control
Data transmission systems--Security measures
Donn⥥s--Transmission--S⥣urit⥢ size=--Mesures
Kryptologie--Interlaken <2004>.
