Computer fundamentals concepts, systems & applications /
Pradeep K.Sinha & Priti Sinha
- 4th ed
- BPB New Delhi 2008
- xxvi, 457 p
Introduction (Page-1), Basic computer organization (Page-15), Number systems (Page-20), Computer codes (Page-36), Computer arithmetic (Page-49), Boolean algebra and logic circuits (Page-60), PRocessor and memory (Page-101), Secondary storage devices (Page-117), Input-Output devices (Page-148), Computer software (Page-172), Planning the computer program (Page-183), Computer languages (Page-208), System implementation and operation (Page-239), Operating systems (Page-251), Application software packages (Page-278), Business data processing (Page-295), Data communications and computer networks (Page-320), The internet (Page-358), Multimedia (Page-366), Classification of computers (Page-381), Introduction to C programming language (Page-395).