Analog filter design /
M.E Van Valkenburg,
- Holt Rinehat and winston New York 1982
- xi,608 p illus
Introduction (Page-1), Resistor operational amplifier circuits (Page-15), Bilinear transfer functions and frequency (Page-53), Cascade design with first order circuits (Page-85), The Biquad circuits (Page-119), Butterworth lowpass filiters (Page-157), Butterworth bandpass filters (Page-189), The chebyshev response (Page-223), Sensitivity (Page-261), Delay filters (Page-279), Frequency trasformations (Page-299), Highpass and band elimination filters (Page-323), Inverse chebyshev and cauer filters (Page-365), Prototype and frequency transformed ladders (Page-399), Ladder design with simulated elements (Page-429), Leapfrog simulation of ladders (Page-459), Switched capacitor filters (Page-487), Delay equallization (Page-523), Op Amp oscillators (Page-549), Better Op-Amp models (Page-571).