Kennedy, David

Metasploit : the penetration tester's guide / David Kennedy ... [et al.]. - San Francisco : No Starch Press, c2011. - xxiv, 299 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

The absolute basic of penetration testing (Page-1), Metasploit basics (Page-7), Intelligence Gathering (Page-15),Vulnerability Scanning (Page-35),The Joy of Exploitation (Page-57), Meterpreter (Page-75), Avoiding Detection (Page-99), Exploitation Using Client-side Attacks (Page-109), Metasploit Auxiliary Modules (Page-123), The social-Engineer Toolkit (Page-135), Fast-Track (Page-163), Karmetasploit (Page-177), Building Your Own Module (Page-185), Creating your Own Exploits (Page-197), Porting Exploits to the Metasploit Framework (Page-215), Meterpreter Scipting (Page-235), Simulated Penetration test(Page-251).

159327288X 9781593272883


Computer networks--Security measures--Testing.
COMPUTERS / Internet / General
COMPUTERS / Internet / Security
COMPUTERS / Security / General
COMPUTERS / Security / Viruses
Computers--Access control.
Penetration testing (Computer security)
