Hearn, Donald

Computer graphics with openGL / Donald Hearn, M.Pauline Baker - 3rd ed. - Pearson New Delhi 2004 - xxii, 857 p

A Survey of Computer Graphics (Page-2), Overview of Graphics Systems (Page-35), Output Primitives (Page-83), Attributes of Output Primitives (Page-143), Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformations (Page-183), Two-Dimensional Viewing (Page-216), Structure and Hierarchical Modeling (Page-250), Graphical User Interfaces and Interactive Input Methods (Page-271), Three-Dimensional Concepts (Page-296),Three-Dimensional Object Representations (Page-304), Three-Dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations (Page-407), Three-Dimensional Viewing (Page-431), Visible-Surface Detecting Methods (Page-469), Illumination Models and Surface-Rendering Methods (Page-494), Color Models and Color Applications (Page-564), Computer Animation (Page-583).


Computer graphics
