Introduction to space-time wireless communications /
Arogyaswami Paulraj, Rohit Nabar, Dhananjay Gore
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
- xxx, 277 s. : ill.
Introduction (Page-1), Space-time Propagation (Page-11), Space-time Channel and Signal Models (Page-32), Capacity of Space-time Channels (Page-63), Spatial Diversity (Page-86), Space-time Coding without Channel Knowledge at the Transmitter (Page-112), Space-time Receivers (Page-137), Exploiting Channel Knowledge at the Transmitter (Page-137), Space-time OFDM and Spread Spectrum Modulation (Page-163), MIMO-Multiuser (Page-178), Space-time Co-channel Interference Mitigation (Page-218), Performance Limits and Tradeoffs in MIMO channels(Page-240).