Bhatia, S. L.

Hand book of electrical engineering S. L. Bhatia - Khanna publishers Delhi 1997 - xvi,1080 p

Fundamentals (Page-1), Cables (Page-35) Internal Wiring (Page-113), Insulating Materials (Page-192), Storage Batteries (Page-216), Transformers (Page-235), Generators and Motors (Page-295), Transmission and Distributions (Page-437), Contactors and Control Devices (Page-504), Rectifiers and Converters (Page-549), Protection and Switchgear (Page-583), Power Factor Improvement (Page-631), Electric Welding and Heating (Page-647), Automobile Electrical Equipment (Page-673), Lighting (Page-691), Industrial Drivers (Page-766), Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Page-783),Tractions (Page-801) Power Plants (Page-817), Electrochemistry (Page-855), Electronics (Page-865), Radio Engineering Television Radar (Page-924), Miscellaneous Information (Page-962), Computer (Page-1019), Energy Conservation (Page-1059).

electical engineering
