Liao, Samuel Y.

Microwave devices and circuits / Samuel Y. Liao. - 2nd ed. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1985. - xvi, 575 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Introduction (Page-1), Interactions Between Electrons and Fields (Page-6), Electromagnetic Plane Waves (Page-16) Microwave Transmission Lines (Page-62), Microwave Waveguides (Page-104), Microwave Components (Page-140), Microwave Linear-Beam Tubes (o Type) (Page-185), Microwave Crossed-Field Tubes (M Type) (Page-271), Microwave Transistors, Tunnel Diodes ,and Microwave Field-Effect Transistors (Page-294), Transferred Electron Devices (TEDs) (Page-346), Avalanche Transit-time Devices (Page-380), Quantum-Electronic Solid State Devices (Page-411), Infrared Devices and Systems (Page-436), Microstrip Lines and Optical Fibers (Page-467), Microwave Integrated Circuits (Page-495), Microwave Enclosures and Hazards (Page-513), Microwave Measurements and Computations (Page-539).

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Microwave circuits.
Telecommunication Engineering
