Cohn, Harvey

A second course in number theory / Harvey Cohn - New York Wiley 1962 - 276 p.. illus 24 cm.

Introductory Survey (Page-1), Part i. Background Material (Page-9), Characters(Page-22), Some Algebraic Concepts(Page-39), Basis Theorems (Page-54), Further Application of Basis Theorems (page-75), Part.ii Ideal Theory in Quadratic Fields , Unique Factorization and Units (Page-93), Unique Factorization into ideals (Page-113), Norms and Ideal Classes (Page-131), Class \Structure in Quadratic Fields (Page-142), Part iii: Application of Ideal Theory , Class number Formulas and Primes In Arithmetic Progression (Page-159), Quadratic Forms and Ideals (Page-195), Composition Orders and Genera (Page-212).

Number theory.
