TY - GEN AU - Rodger E.Ziemer,William H Tranter,D.Ronald Fannin TI - Signals & Systems: Continuous and Discrete SN - 81-7808-296-9 U1 - 621.3822,ZIE PY - 1998/// CY - Pearson Education PB - Delhi KW - Telecommunication engineering N1 - Signal and System Modeling Concepts (Page-1), System Modeling and Analysis in the Time Domain (Page-48), The Fourier Series (Page-101), The Fourier Transform and its Applications (Page-150), The Laplace Transform (Page-205), Applications of the Laplace Transform (Page-249) State Variable Techniques (Page-312,) Discrete Time Signals and Systems (Page-350), Analysis and Design of Digital Filters (Page-415), The Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms (Page-486). ER -