Digital Signal Processin /
John G. Proakis,Dimitris G. Manolakis
- 4th
- Pearson Education (Singapore) India Rep .2005
- 984
Introduction (Page-17), Discrete-Time Signal and Systems (Page-59), The z- Transform and its Application to the Analysis of lti Systems (Page-167), Frequency Analysis of Signal and Systems (Page-246), The Discrete Fourier Transform Its Properties and Applications (Page-410), Efficient Computation of the DFT Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms (Page-464), Implementation of Discrete-Time Systems (Page-516), Design of Digital Filters (Page-630), Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals (Page-754), Multirate Digital Signal Processing (Page-798), Linear Prediction and Optimum Linear Filters (Page-868), Power Spectrum Estimation (Page-912).