Green grows the city: The story of a London garden /
Beverley Nichols,
- Jonathan Cape London 1939
- 285 p
Introduction (Page-9), We Move in (Page-15), High Wind in Suburbia (Page-29), False Start (Page-44), A Ray of Isosceles (Page-68), Birth of A Bubble (Page-86), Enter Flora (Page-102), Rose and Cavalier (Page-115), The Battle of the Dome (Page-134), One Thing Lead to Another (Page-147), Rhapsody in Green (Page-165), The Triumphs of Lilliput (Page-182), Bigger and Bigger (Page-197), The Enchanted Corner (Page-215), Inventions (Page-235), The Desert Blossoms (Page-254), The last Chapter (Page-275).