Image processing for remote sensing-(E-BOOK) edited by C.H. Chen. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, cop. 2008 - 380 s.

1. Polari metric SAR Techniques for Remote Sensing of the Ocean Surface (Page-1) 2. MRF-Based Remote-Sensing Image Classification with Automatic Model Parameter Estimation (page-9) 3. Random Forest Classification of Remote Sensing Data (page-61) 4. Supervised Image Classification of Multi-Spectral Images Based on Statistical Machine Learning (page-79)5. Unsupervised Change Detection in Multi-Temporal SAR Images (Page-107)6. Change-Detection Methods for Location of Mines in SAR Imagery (Page-135)7. Vertex Component Analysis: A Geometric-Based Approach to Unmix Hyper spectral Data (page-149)8. Two ICA Approaches for SAR Image Enhancement(Page-175)9. Long-Range Dependence Models for the Analysis and Discrimination of Sea-Surface Anomalies in Sea SAR Imagery (Page-189)10. Spatial Techniques for Image Classification (Page-225)11. Data Fusion for Remote-Sensing Applications (page-249)12. The Hermit Transform: An Efficient Tool for Noise Reduction and Image Fusion in Remote-Sensing (Page-273)13. Multi-Sensor Approach to Automated Classification of Sea Ice Image Data (Page-293)14. Use of the Bradley–Terry Model to Assess Uncertainty in an Error Matrix from a Hierarchical Segmentation of an ASTER Image (Page-325)15. SAR Image Classification by Support Vector Machine (Page-341)16. Quality Assessment of Remote-Sensing Multi-Band Optical Images (Page-355)

1-4200-6664-1 978-1-4200-6664-7

Digital bildbehandling
Image processing--Digital techniques
Image processing.
Remote sensing
Remote sensing--Data processing.
