Overview 1 Lexical conventions 6 Data types 20 Expressions 40 Scheduling semantics 64 Assignments 69 Gate and switch level modeling 75 User-defined primitives (UDPs) 107 Behavioral modeling 118 Tasks and functions151 Disabling of named blocks and tasks162 Hierarchical structures 165 Configuring the contents of a design 199 Specify blocks 211 Timing checks 237 Backannotation using the Standard Delay Format (SDF) 269 System tasks and functions 277 Value change dump (VCD) files 324 Compiler directives 350 PLI overview 361 PLI TF and ACC interface mechanism 364 Using ACC routines 368 ACC routine definitions 403 Using TF routines 564 TF routine definitions 568 Using VPI routines 623 VPI routine definitions 664