Cole, Eric.

Hackers beware -(E-BOOK) Eric Cole. - 1st ed. - Indianapolis, Ind. : New Riders, c2002. - xvii, 778 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

1. Introduction 2. How and Why Hackers Do It 3. Information Gathering 4. Spoofing 5. Session Hijacking 6. Denial of Service Attacks 7. Buffer Overflow Attacks 8. Password Security 9. Microsoft NT Password Crackers 10. UNIX Password Crackers 12. Specific Exploits for NT 13. Fundamentals of UNIX 14. Specific Exploits for UNIX 15. Preserving Access 16. Covering the Tracks 17. Other Types of Attacks 18. SANS Top 10 19. Putting It All Together

0735710090 (pbk.)


Computer hackers.
Computer security.

