Ferraiolo, David F.

Role-based access control (E-Book) David F. Ferraiolo, D. Richard Kuhn, Ramaswamy Chandramouli - Boston, Mass. ; London : Artech House, 2003 - 316 s. : ill. ; 23cm. - Artech House computer security series .

1 Introduction (Page-1) 2 Access Control Policy, Models, and Mechanisms—Concepts and Examples (Page-27) 3 Core RBAC Features(Page-51) 4 Role Hierarchies(Page-67) 5 So D and Constraints in RBAC Systems(Page-91) 6 RBAC, MAC, and DAC(Page-121) 7 NIST’s Proposed RBAC Standard(Page-141) 8 Role-Based Administration of RBAC(Page-155) 9 Enterprise Access Control Frameworks Using RBAC and X ML Technologies(Page-179) 10 Integrating RBAC with Enterprise IT Infrastructures(Page-211) 11 Migrating to RBAC—Case Study: Multiline Insurance Company(Page-255) 12 RBAC Features in Commercial Products(Page-265)

1-58053-370-1 :

Computers--Access control.
S�rbarhet - datorer och databehandling

