Astola, Jaakko

Advances in Signal Transforms: Theory and Applications (E-BOOK) Jaakko Astola and Leonid Yaroslavsky - Hindawi Publishing Corporation USA 2007 - 419 p - Volume 7 .

1. Wavelet and frame transforms originated from continuous and discrete splines, Amir Z. Averbuch and Valery A. Zheludev(Page- 1) 2. Recent developments in Haar wavelet transform for application to switching and multivalued logic functions representations, Radomir S. Stankovi´c, Karen Egiazarian, and Jaakko Astola (Page-57) 3. Discrete transforms, fast algorithms, and point spread functions of numerical reconstruction of digitally recorded holograms, Leonid P. Yaroslavsky (Page-93) 4. Irregular sampling for multidimensional polar processing of integral transforms, A. Averbuch, R. Coifman, M. Israeli, I. Sedelnikov, and Y. Shkolnisky(Page- 143_ 5. Space-variant and adaptive transform domain image restoration methods, L. Yaroslavsky (Page-201) 6. Adaptive varying window methods in signal and image processing, Vladimir Katkovnik, Karen Egiazarian, and Jaakko Astola (Page-241) 7. Image interpolation by optimized spline-based kernels, Atanas Gotchev, Karen Egiazarian, and Tapio Saram¨aki (Page-285) 8. Fast discrete sinc-interpolation: a gold standard for image resampling, L. Yaroslavsky (Page-337)


Advances in Signal Transforms