TY - GEN AU - Pier Andrea Serra TI - Biosensors (E-Book) PY - 2010/// CY - India PB - In-Teh KW - (E-Book) N1 - Enzyme-based Electrochemical Biosensors 001 Nanostructured Metal Oxides Based Enzymatic Electrochemical Biosensors 023 Amperimetric Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotube and Plasma Polymer 047 Design and Fabrication of Nanowire-Based Conductance Biosensor using Spacer Patterning Technique 071 Complementary use of Label-Free Real-Time Biosensors in Drug Discovery of Monoclonal Antibodies 081 Urea Biosensor based on Conducting Polymer Transducers 093 Biosensors for Detection of Francisella Tularensis and Diagnosis of Tularemia 115 New Ideas for in vivo Detection of RNA 127 Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors for Highly Sensitive Detection of Small Biomolecules 151 Detection of SARS-CoV Antigen via SPR Analytical Systems with Reference 169 Bacterial Bioluminescent Biosensor Characterisation for On-line Monitoring of Heavy Metals Pollutions in Waste Water Treatment Plant Effluents 179 Integrated Biosensor and Interfacing Circuits 207 Intelligent Communication Module for Wireless Biosensor Networks 225 Design and Construction of a Distributed Sensor NET for Biotelemetric Monitoring of Brain Energetic Metabolism using Microsensors and Biosensors 241 Information Assurance Protocols for Body Sensors using Physiological Data 261 Symbolic Modelling of Dynamic Human Motions 281 ER -