Vernon S. Somerset

Intelligent and Biosensors (E-Book) Vernon S. Somerset - India In-Teh © 2010 - 396 p;

Intelligent Design for Neonatal Monitoring with Wearable Sensors 001 Signal Processing and Classification Approaches for Brain-computer Interface 025 Toward Mobile Sensor Fusion Platform for Context-Aware Services 067 SPR Imaging Label-Free Control of Biomineral Nucleation!? 083 Soft Computing Techniques in Modelling the Influence of pH and Temperature on Dopamine Biosensor 099 Non-invasive Electronic Biosensor Circuits and Systems 123 The Extraction of Symbolic Postures to Transfer Social Cues into Robot 147 In-Vitro Magnetoresistive Biosensors for Single Molecular Based Disease Diagnostics: Optimization of Sensor Geometry and Structure 163 Mercaptobenzothiazole-on-Gold Organic Phase Biosensor Systems:Thick-Film Biosensors for Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticide Determination 185 Analysis of Pesticide Mixtures using Intelligent Biosensors 205 Enzyme vs. Bacterial Electrochemical Sensors for Organophosphorus Pesticides Quantification 217 Neuropathy Target Esterase Biosensor 231 Amperometric Enzyme-based Biosensors for Lowering the Interferences 245 Carbon Fiber based Microelectrodes and Microbiosensors 269 The Microbial Cell Based Biosensors 289 A Novel Type of Nucleic Acid-based Biosensors: the Use of PNA Probes, Associated with Surface Science and Electrochemical Detection Techniques 323 Uncoated Quartz Resonator as a Universal Biosensor 345 ALAD (-aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase) as Biosensor for Pb Contamination 363 Bioelectronic Noses Based on Olfactory Receptors 377
