Bishop, David,

Introduction to cryptography with Java applets -(E-BOOK) David Bishop. - Boston : Jones and Bartlett, 2003. - xvi, 370 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Chapter 1: A History of Cryptography (Page-1), Chapter 2: Large Integer Computing (Page-33), Chapter 3: The Integers (Page-65), Chapter 4: Linear Diophantine Equations and Linear Congruences (Page-89), Chapter 5: Linear Ciphers (Page-105), Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Congruences—Single Modulus (Page-125), Chapter 7: Matrix Ciphers (Page-143), Chapter 8: Systems of Linear Congruences—Multiple Moduli (Page-161), Chapter 9: Quadratic Congruences (Page-169), Chapter 10: Quadratic Ciphers (Page-181), Chapter 11: Primality Testing (Page-213), Chapter 12: Factorization Techniques (Page-221), Chapter 13: Exponential Congruences (Page-235), Chapter 14: Exponential Ciphers (Page-259), Chapter 15: Establishing Keys and Message Exchange(Page- 279), Chapter 16: Cryptographic Applications (Page-299).v



Computer security.
Java (Computer program language)

