Steve Jobs /
Walter Isaacson
- London : Little, Brown, 2011
- xix, 630 s. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Childhood: Abandoned and chosen (Page-1), Odd Couple: The Two Steves (Page-21), The Dropout: Turn On, Tune In (Page-31), Atari and India: Zen and the Art of Game Design (Page-42), The Apple I: Turn on, Boot Up, Jack in (Page-56), The Apple II: Dawn of a New Age (Page-71), Chrisann and Lisa: He Who is Abandoned (Page-86), Xerox and Lisa: Graphical User Interfaces (Page-92), Going Public: A Man of Wealth and Fame (Page-102), The Mac is Born: You Say You Want a Revolution (Page-108), The Reality Distortion Field: Playing by His Own Set of Rules (Page-117), The Design: Real Artists Simplify (Page-125), Building the Mac: The Journey is the Reward (Page-135), Enter Sculley: The Pepsi Challenge (Page-148), The Launch: A Dent in the Universe (Page-159), Gates and Jobs: When Orbits Intersect (Page-171), Icarus: What Goes up (Page-180), Next: Prometheus Unbound (Page-211), Pixar: Technology Meets Art (Page-238), A Regular Guy: Love is Just a Four-Letter Word (Page-250), Family Man: At Home with the Jobs Clan (Page-267), Toy Story: Buzz and Woody to the Rescue (Page-284), The Second Coming: What Rough Beast, Its Hour Come Round at Last (Page-293), The Restoration: The Loser Now Will Be Later to Win (Page-305), Think Different: Jobs as iCEO (Page-327), Design Principles: The Studio of Jobs and Ive (Page-340), The iMac: Hello (Again) (Page-348), CEO: Still Crazy after all these Years (Page-358), Apple Stores: Genius Bars and Siena Sandstone (Page-368), The Digital Hub: From iTunes to the iPod (Page-378), The iTunes Store: I'm the Pied Piper (Page-394), Music Man: The Sound Track of His Life (Page-411), Pixar's Friends: ... and Foes (Page-426), Twenty-first-century Macs: Setting Apple Apart (Page-444), Round One: Memento Mori (Page-452), The iPhone: Three Revolutionary Products in One (Page-465), Round Two: The Cancer Recurs (Page-476), The iPad: Into the Post-PC Era (Page-490), New Battles: and Echoes of Old Ones (Page-511), To Infinity: The Cloud, the Spaceship, and Beyond (Page-525), Round Three: The Twilight Struggle (Page-538), Legacy: The Brightest Heaven of Invention (Page-560).
1-4087-0374-2 (hbk.) 978-1-4087-0374-8 (hbk.)
Jobs, Steve, 1955-2011 Jobs, Steve, 1955-2011.
Apple Computer, Inc.--historia
Chief executive officers--United States Computer engineers--United States Computer industry--history--USA Executives--USA