Calibration of a Structured Light System Using Planar Objects (page-1) Background modeling with associated confidence. (page-15) New Trends in Motion Segmentation (page-31) Volume Decomposition and Hierarchical Skeletonization for Shape Analysis (page-47) Structure and Motion from Image Sequences based on Multi-Scale Bayesian Network (page-73) Projective Registration with Manifold Optimization (page-175) Learning Pattern Classification Tasks with Imbalanced Data Sets (page-193) Image Kernel for Recognition (page-209) 3D Human Posture Estimation Using HOG Features of Monocular Images (page-295) Frequency Shifting for Emotional Speaker Recognition (page-305) Pattern Recognition in Medical Image Diagnosis (page-319) Neural Network Based Classification of Myocardial Infarction: A Comparative Study of Wavelet and Fourier Transforms (page-337) A Cellular Automaton Framework for Image Processing on GPU (page-353) An Approach to Textile Recognition (page-439) Approaches to Automatic Seabed Classification (page-461) Spam Recognition using Linear Regression and Radial Designing and Training Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks For Secure Access Authorization (page-533) Complementary Relevance Feedback Methods for Content-Based Image Retrieval (page-549)