Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagi

Self Organizing Maps - Applications and Novel Algorithm Design (E-Book) Josphat Igadwa Mwasiagi - India Intech © 2011 - 714p;

PART-1: Data Interpretation and Management (Page-1) PART-2: Data Envelopment Analysis (Page-69) PART-3: The Study of Multi-media and Web-based Contents (Page-95) PART-4: Improvements in the Transportation Industry (Page-207) PART-5: The Study of Meteorological, Geomorphological and Remotely Acquired Data (Page-251) PART-6: Application of SOM in Medical and Biological Sciences (Page-355) PART-7: Use of SOM in the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Page-453) PART-8: Design and Application of Novel Variants of SOM (Page-601)
