Hall, Gary,

Digitize this book! :the politics of new media, or why we need open access now(E-BOOK) Gary Hall - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, cop. 2008 - vii, 301 s. - Electronic mediations, 24 99-3171425-5 ; .

Why all academic research and scholarship should be made available in online open access archives, now! -- Judgment and responsibility in the wikipedia era -- IT, again, or, How to build an ethical institution -- Antipolitics and the Internet -- Hypercyberdemocracy.

0-8166-4870-0 (inb.) 0-8166-4871-9 (hft.) 978-0-8166-4870-2 (inb.) 978-0-8166-4871-9 (hft.)


Communication in learning and scholarship--Technological innovations.
Internet--Political aspects.
Open access publishing
Open access-publicering
Open access-publicering
Scholarly electronic publishing.
Vetenskaplig publicering

