Hwang, Kai.

Computer arithmetic : Principles, Architecture and design / Kai Hwang. - New York : Wiley, c1979. - xiii, 423 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Computer Arithmetic and Number Systems (Page-1), Integrated Circuits and Digital Devices (Page-31), Fast Two Operand Adders /Sub tractors (Page-69), Multioperaned Adders Signed Digit Arithmetic and ALUs (Page-97), Standard and Recoded Multipliers (Page-129), Iterative Cellular Array Multipliers (Page-161), Standard and High Radix Dividers (Page-213), Convergence Division and Cellular Array Dividers (Page-251), Normalized Floating Point Arithmetic Processors (Page-285), Advanced topics on Floating Arithmetic (Page-321), Elementary Function Pipelined Arithmetic and Error Control (Page-359).



Computer arithmetic and logic units.
Computer arithmetic.
Electronic digital computers.
