High-speed networking for multimedia applications /
Wolfgang Effelsberg ... [et al.].
- Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1996.
- xii, 381 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
End-To-End Communication Across Hybrid Networks (Page-1), Reduce Connection Awareness (Page-24), Is ATM a Continuity or a Discontinuity for the LAN Environment? (Page-45), On the Performance of Networks Carrying Multimedia Traffic (Page-61), The Server Array: A Scalable Video Server Architecture (Page-103), A Scalable Architecture for Multimedia Storage (Page-127), Aqua: An Adaptive End-System Quality of Service Architecture (Page-155), Quality of Service Support for Protocol Processing Within Endsystems (Page-179), High Performance Group Communication Services in ATM Networks (Page-199), Multimedia Transport Protocol and Multicast Communication (Page-225), PET - Priority Encoding Transmission (Page-247), Real-Time Communication in Shared-Medium High Speed LANs (Page-267), Batch Renewal Process: Exact Model of Traffic Correlation (Page-285), Residential Oriented Customer Premises Network Based on ATM Principles (Page-305), Voice-Data Integrated Channel Access for Microcellular Networks Using Splitting RRA Algorithms (Page-331), Wireless Access to High Speed Networks (Page-361).