Navabi, Zainalabedin

VHDL : analysis and modeling of digital systems / Zainalabedin Navabi - 2.nd ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1998 - xxii, 632 p.

Hardware Design Environments (Page-1), VHDL Background (Page-21), Design Methodology Based on VHDL (Page-33), Basic Concepts in VHDL (Page-71), Structural Specification of Hardware (Page-109), Design Organization and Parmeterization (Page-153), Utilities for High Level descriptions (Page-205),Dataflow Descriptions in VHDL (Page-269), Behavioral Description of Hardware (Page-331) CPU Modeling for Discrete Design (Page-387), Interface Design and Modeling (Page-459),,

0-07-046479-0 ;

Digital integrated circuits--Design and construction--Data processing
VHDL (Computer hardware description language)
VHDL (Computer hardware description language)
VHDL (Hardware description languages)
VHDL (h�rdvarubeskrivande spr�k)
VHDL (Spr�k f�r beskrivning av maskinvaran)
