Securing the seas : the Soviet naval challenge and Western Alliance options : an Atlantic Council policy study /
Paul H. Nitze, Leonard Sullivan, Jr., and the Atlantic Council Working Group on Securing the Seas.
- Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1979.
- xxxi, 464 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- The Atlantic Council policy series .
- Atlantic Council of the United States. .
Introduction (page-3) Soviet Naval Evolution (Page-31) The Soviet Fleet Today (page-57) Allocation of Soviet Naval Forces (Page-83) Western Maritime (page-119) Implication of Soviet Maritime Capabilities (page-147) Evolution of the U.S Navy (page-165) Allocation of us. And Allied Naval Forces (page-187) Comparative Force Levels (Page-221) Comparative Alliance Naval Capabilities (page-251) project Alliance Technology and Force Requirements (apge-295) Anticipated Constraints on the U.S. Navy Budget (Page-319) quantifying the Sea-lane Defense Problem (Page-337) Overall Assessment of naval / Maritime Balance (Page-383) Findings and Recommendation (Page-411) Additional Views (Page-443)
Almirah No.54 Shelf No.6
0891583599 : 0891583602
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Soviet Union. Voenno-Morsko橠Flot. United States. Navy.