Possible Worlds and other essays and other essays
J.B.S Haldane
- london Chatto and Windus 1945
- vii,312p;
On Scales (Page-1), Some Dates (Page-7), On Being the Right Size (Page-18), Enzymes (Page-45), Vitamin (Page-51), Man as a sea Beast (Page-57), Immunity (Page-82), Food Poisoning (Page-99), What Use is Astronomy ? (Page-120), William Bateson (Page-135), The Future of Biology (Page-139), Nationality and Research (Page-154), Scientific Research for Amateurs (Page-162), Science and Politics (Page-182), When I an Dead (Page-204), Meroz (Page-241), Possible Worlds (Page-260), The Last Judgment (Page-287).