Clara L. Thomson

Poems by William Wordworth / Clara L. Thomson - cambride Cambride unuivercity 1908 - 144p;

The Reverie of Poor Susan (Page-1), Fidelity (Page-2), The Force of Prayer or the founding of Bolton Priory (Page-7), Strange fits of Passion have I Known (Page-8), Three years she grew (Page-9), She dwelt among the Untrodden ways (Page-11), I Travelled amog unknown men (Page-12), The Solitary Reaper (Page-15), To the Cuckoo (Page-16), My Heart Leaps up (Page-23), I Wandered lonely as a Cloud (Page-23), To a Sky lark (Page-25), Written in London (Page-26), Thought of a Briton on the subjugation of Switzerland (Page-29), The World is two much with us (Page-30), On the Department of Sir Walter Scott from Abbotsford for Naples (Page-35), Not in the lucid Intervals of life (Page-47), Character of the happy Warrior (Page-51) .
