Simpson, Colin D.

Industrial electronics / Colin D. Simpson. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1996. - xiv, 689 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Introduction (Page-1), Semiconductor Diodes(Page-10), Transistor (Page-51), Thrusters (Page-101), Industrial Control Devices (Page-145), DC Motor and Control Circuits (Page-184), AC Motors and Variable – Frequency Drives (Page-230), Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICS (Page-264), Digital Electronics (Page-321), Analog and Digital Transducers(Page-273), Industrial Process Control(Page-419), Microprocessors and Communication System (Page-462), Programmable Logic Controllers (Page-491), Robotics (Page-556).



Telecommunication Engineering
