Castle, Frank

Practical mathematics for beginners / Frank Castle,M.I.M.E - Great Britain Macmillan ad Co. Ltd 1942 - xi,398.p

Arithmetic: Decemal fractions(Page-1), Arithmetic:Ratio,proportion,percentage(Page-16), Arithmetic power and roots (Page 24), Plane geometry (Page-31), Algebra,evaluation,addition,subtraction(Page-57), Algebra,factors,fractions ,surds(Page-73), Algebra,simple equations(Page-81), Algebra simultaneous equations and problem solving them(Page-90), British and metric units of length,area and volume(Page-114), Use of squarewd paper(Page-171), Mensuration:area of irregular figure(Page-229), Angular vilocity(Page-275), Prismoidal formulae(Page-310), Index(Page-396).
