Rabiner, Lawrence R

Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing Rabiner, Lawrence R - Englewood Cliffs, N.J Prentice-Hall, [1975] - xv, 762 p.

Introduction (Page-1) Theory of Discrete-Time Linear Systems (Page-9) The Theory and Approximation of Finite Duration Impulse Response Digital Filters (Page-75) Theory and Approximation of in Finite Impulse Response Digital (Page-205) Finite Word Length Effects in Digital Filters (Page-295) Spectrum Analysis and the Fast Fourier Transform (Page-356) An Introduction to the Theory of Two-Dimensional Signal Processing (Page-438) Introduction to digital Hardware (Page-484) Special Purpose Hardware for Digital Filtering and Signal Generation (Page-541) Special Purpose Hardware for the FFT (Page-573) General-Purpose Hardware for Signal Processing Facilities (Page-627) Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Speech (Page-658) Applications to Radar (Page-709)

Almirah No.127 Shelf No.1
