W.L.Everitt , G.E.Anner,

Communication Engineering W.L.Everitt , G.E.Anner, - london Mc Graw-Hill 1956 - xi,644p;

Fundamental Principles of Communication Networks (Page-1) Methods of Network-Behavior Analysis (Page-44) Steady-State Analysis and Network Theorems (Page-86) Resonance (Page-130) Bridge Networks (Page-189) Iterative Networks (Page-219) Wave Filters (Page-249) The Infinite Line (Page-294) Reflection (Page-329) Lines of Low Loss (Page-360) Impedance Transformation (Page-403) Impedance Matching With Stubs (Page-451) Broad-Band Impedance Transformation (Page-468) Equalization (Page-505) Linear Amplifiers (Page-540) Electromechanical Coupling (Page-595)

Almirah No.130 Shelf No.5
